Applications : Writer - Header, Footer, Headings
Headers and Footers

The quickest way to put a Header that will appear at the top of all pages of your document is to click on the very top of the page, The Header (Default Page Style) box appears, Click the + Sign, you now have a blank Header.
Click in the Header and Hit the Tab Key, the cursor is now in the centre, type in A Writer Crash Course

To add a Footer click on the bottom of the page and then the + sign on the Footer (Default Page Style).
Click in the footer and type in your name leaving it Left Aligned, then hit the Tab Key to move the cursor to the centre and type Page
and a space and then Click on the Footer Drop Down Menu and choose Insert Page Number and that's the Footer done with page numbers, the Header Drop Down Menu has the same options.

The three pages now have a Header and a Footer complete with page numbers. Notice that the page number has a grey background, this is a field that is automatically updated as you add pages to your document, the grey background will not show on the printed page.
Headings are a way to divide up a document and will be used by Writer to create a Table Of Contents.
Page 3: Content
Select the word Content, it is the subject of this page, then Click on the Arrow beside Default Style and Choose Heading 1.

Content becomes Bigger and Bold, note the other Headings in the Drop Down Menu, their Font-Size decreases as the heading number increases.
Under Content select the text Formatting which is an important part of Content and this time give it a Heading 2 by choosing that on the Drop Down Menu or better still do Ctrl+2.

Most Important as you make changes to your document get into the habit of regularly saving them, hit the Save Icon or better still Ctrl+S and remember if you make a boo boo Ctrl+Z to Undo or.... on second thoughts THAT WAS NOT A MISTAKE Ctrl+Y to Redo.
We have three more pieces of Text to change to Heading 2, these are
- Spell Check
- Super and Sub and Special
- Aligning Text
so Find and Select them and do a Ctrl+2 to change them to Heading 2.

Great, now that you have all Headed Up page three lets map out the next five pages using Headings and get everything set up for a Table of Contents.
Goto the end of Page Three and do Ctrl+Enter to start Page 4.
Page 4: Lists

Type in Lists
make it Heading 1, this time use Ctrl+1, and then Enter.
There are two type of Lists that we will play with on this page so go Ctrl+2 for a Heading 2 and type in Numbered List
and Enter, then do another Heading 2 and type in Bullet List
Hit Ctrl+Enter to start a new page.
Page 5: Tables

On this page we are going to create a Table which a compact way of displaying Data, so you guessed it, Heading 1 is Tables
OK we will only creating one Table and you may have noticed that I keep referencing Shortcut Keys which will make your life easier, so this table will contain Shortcut Keys used so far plus some more so type in a Heading 2 Shortcut Keys
Next Page Please.
Page 6: Images

A picture paints a Thousand Words and can add to your document so type in a Heading 1 Images
Pasting Images from the Net require some tweaking to make them work with your text so here is a Heading 2 Resizing, Cropping, Wrapping.
Writer comes with its own tools to create art so another Heading 2 Gallery and Order
Next Page Please.
Page 7: Page Styles

On this Page only, to melt your head, we are going to change the Page Orientation from Portrait to Landscape and we can do this by changing the Page Style from Default which it is at the moment to Landscape, is it easy, you will soon see.
So just a Heading 1 this time and its Page Styles
Page 8: Publishing

And the Heading 1 for this page is Publishing
Yes the final Page, when you have finally finished this doc you may (or may not) wish to inflict share the finished document with your friend[s].
Before you publish you should Proof Read your document by Spell Checking F7 and doing a Print Preview so here is our next Heading 2 Proof Read
Printing can be expensive but with an important document you may have to print it so as to Proof Read it and ideally get someone else to read it. The printed page is the best way to get info into your brain box so lets print this eight page Epic Doc as cheaply as possible by printing as a Brochure (Booklet), this way you only use two sheets of A4 paper as opposed to eight and to save on your colour cartridge choose the Greyscale Option, so for our next Heading 2 type in Print as a Brochure
The best way to share your document is to Export it as a PDF (Portable Document Format), any PDF reader will display it exactly as you have intended.
If you send it to them as a Document File it may not display properly, depending on the application used, it may end up having nine pages instead of eight, anyway let them use their own printer and paper so our final Heading 2 is Export as a PDF