Etc : Nano - sandbox
Lets play with the next three sections of shortcut keys, create a new file called sandbox.txt do a Ctrl+R to Read File or hit the Insert Key then Alt+F for new Buffer (file) and in the name box type in sandbox.txt and Enter, the status bar will state New File.
There is one last command under the Coding Section to play with and that is Alt+I which enables auto indenting of text...
So do Alt+I Auto indent enabled an I will appear on the top bar. In sandbox.txt start typing the text below hitting Enter to start a new line and Tab to indent the text.
Spring (Enter) (Tab)February (Enter) March (Enter) April (Enter) (Backspace) Summer (Enter) (Tab)May (Enter) June (Enter) July (Enter) (and so on....)
A lot less tabs to use in order to make your code easier to read, keeping related parts together. Do Alt+I again Auto indent disabled to disable this feature.

Quickly working through the commands that I bunched together as Formatting try Alt+L on the status bar.Hard wrapping of overlong lines enabled and an L appears on the top bar. This prevents you from typing lines longer than the terminal window so to see this in action do a Alt+N to display the line numbers and Copy some of the text below..
What will happen if I keep on typing, will the text keep on the same line or will it be pushed onto a new line?? There is only one way to find out!!!
..and Paste it into sandbox.txt by either Right Clicking and choosing Paste or better still use Ctrl+Shift+V and then keep on typing to see what will happen.

The text once it nears the right end of the terminal window will move on to a new line.
If you pasted in too much text or the entire paragraph this will all be on the one line, so go to that line and do a Ctrl+J Justify paragraph which will justify the current line or paragraph and break it into a number of lines depending on the terminal screen size.
Copy and paste in the full paragraph try out increasing and decreasing the terminal window size each time placing the cursor anywhere in that paragraph and do a Ctrl+J to reline the text.

Alt+J will justify the entire file.
Ctrl+L is suppose to centre the line where the cursor is but I can't get that to work.
Some times it my be necessary to see what way the white space between text is done is it with the Spacebar or with the Tab Key Alt+P Whitespace displayed enable/disable will show you that with a single dot for a space created with the spacebar or a » when using the Tab Key.

If you want to adjust your Tab Spacing, Alt+O conversion of typed tabs to spaces enabled will insert 8 spaces each time you use the Tab Key, with whitespaces displayed you will see the tabs as 8 dots and you can use the backspace key to delete some of them instead of the whole tab.
Alt+D will give you a count of the number of words, lines and characters in the entire file or a selection of text.
The Intro section explains how to type in special characters by....
pressing Esc twice and then typing a three-digit decimal number from 000 to 255 will enter the character with the corresponding value.
You will find a complete list of these characters at for example to type in a Quarter ¼ you hit the Esc Key twice and then type in 188. For a half ½ its 189 and for three quarters ¾ its 190.
A lot of typing, however nano has a macro function to record keyboard strokes so to create one to print out a half start to record the keys used by Alt+: Recording a macro... (don't forget to use the Shift key), then do your ESC ESC 189 then Stop recording with another Alt+: Stopped recording.
Then anywhere you want a ½ run the Macro using Alt+; (no shift key) and a ½ will appear, magic, this will also work on other documents that you have opened.

Unfortunately if you record a new one you delete the old one, and when you close nano the macro is not saved.
Another niffy command is Ctrl+T which is Execute try that and in Command to execute type in ls -l and hit Enter the output of that command will be written into sandbox.txt go Ctrl+T again and this time run date to insert a timestamp.
Anchors create a quick way to navigate through a document....
Go back to my_help.txt and place an anchor at the start of each section by doing a Ctrl+W Whereis and in the box type in : and hit Enter. The first section should be Intro: do a Alt+Ins Placed anchor to put an anchor there.
Then a Alt+W to find the next section, Alt+Ins to place an anchor there and continue until you hit Search wrapped

Then to quickly navigate through the various sections do a Alt+PgUp to jump up or an Alt+PgDn to jump down through the document.
To see which lines have anchors do Alt+N to display the line numbers and the anchors are shown as a ⯁.
To remove an anchor simply go to that line and do a Alt+Ins Removed anchor.