Etc : Nano - nanorc
Nano Settings
The last three commands in my_help.txt require some research, I managed to get the spell checker F12 to work by editing Nano's configuration file nanorc which is in the etc folder so do the following in a new terminal..
sudo nano /etc/nanorc
This will open nanorc with root permissions and you will see a long list of settings mostly commented out with a # symbol, so as not to take effect. Each setting has a brief description of it's purpose above it and to find the spell check setting do a Ctrl+W Where Is and type in spelling and hit Enter.

Select and delete the # character before the set speller "aspell -x -c" to remove the comment. This will cause the aspell -c filename command to run when you hit the F12 key.
Other settings that you may want to tweak are set softwarp Alt+S and set mouse Alt+M to have these enabled as soon as you start nano. Eight spaces it tooo much for a tab ?? then uncomment set tabsize and change it from 8 to 4.
Checkout the keybinding section towards the end of nanorc, where you can configure the Shortcut Keys and change them to more "usual" ones.
For instance Copy by default is Alt+6 however since Cut is Ctrl+K and Paste is Ctrl+U it would be better to have Copy as Ctrl+C so I cleared the # in front of bind ^C copy main to change that.

I did a Ctrl+S to save the changes and then restarted Nano. I then did a Ctrl+G for Help and scrolled down to the Copy current line command and yes the main shortcut key for Copy is now Ctrl+C with Alt+6 relegated to 2nd place!!. The command to Display the position of the cursor is now F11 .

Then I tried the Spell Check F12 this launched a super quick easy to use interface offering 10 corrections, you type in its number and letter options - i to ignore one instance of a word or I to ignore all instances, r to replace one instance of a word or R to replace all.
a will add a word to the dictionary and l will add a lowercase version.
If you decide during the spell check that you want to undo the changes then b will abort the spell check and no corrections will be saved or if you want to accept the corrected text then x will exit and the changes will be saved.

And best of all with a php text document after I added some HTML tags to the dictionary i.e. html and ul and li and blockquote and div etc, nano ignored all the mark up and speel checked the content.
There are a few more commands that you may find useful, I haven't set them up yet, maybe you might give them a go.
Alt+B Invokes a linter, if setup, which is a tool to check your code for errors, I found an interesting article about what is a linter and why your team should use it.
Alt+F Invokes a program to format/arrange/manipulate the buffer if setup.
I am not entirely sure what this does, I assume buffers refer to new files, maybe you could find out, after all I can't have all the fun!
Anyway deep dive of Nano is complete, time to come back up for air. What do you think, will nano become your text editor of choice, after two months of playing with it for this article nano has become mine.