
A Command Line Interface CLI is where you type in commands into a terminal rather than clicking on a Desktop Icon. It may seem daunting at first, but give the CLI experience a chance and you will find it easier and quicker to do stuff than search for a GUI application to do the same task.

With most Linux Distros you can go completly command line by running a Virtual Console using the shortcut keys Ctrl+Alt+F1(function key) and putting in your user name and password to log in. Ctrl+Alt+F2 to Ctrl+Alt+F6 will open five more Virtual Consoles. To return back to the Desktop use Ctrl+Alt+F7.

Which ever Desktop Environment you use, you will find a link for Terminal which will bring up a terminal in a nice window so that you won't have to leave the comforts of the GUI more»


Mate: Applications > System Tools > Terminal


Utilities Folder or hit that Windows/Superkey and start typing ter then hit Enter.

Gnome: Hit the Window key > type ter then Enter.
Mate's Terminal Window

Surfin the Hard Drive

Use the command line to see what's in your Home Folder, create directories and have fun bopping from one directory to another, all using the keyboard, no mouse or trackpad!! more»

Terminal listing all Files: ls -la

Nano Text Editor

A deep dive into the user friendly nano text editor: Have fun Copying, Cutting, Pasting, Working with multiple text files, searching thorough these files, see what makes a text file tick and try your hand at coding!!! more»

Terminal listing all Files: ls -la

When you feel comfortable using the terminal try the command line tools below that will help in installing Linux onto a PC.


Use wget to download files from the net instead of your web browser. Brilliant over a poor internet connection, wget will keep trying and can resume from an interrupted download!!! more»


Checksums are a way to verify a files integrity, try out the commands available to Linux to see how they are created and how to use these calculated checksums to verify that ISO files have downloaded correctly. more».

Check the Checksums

Its very tempting to skip this step when downloading a Linux Installation ISO but in these days of Internet Scams and Ransom Ware its important to use the gpg command to verify that the image downloaded comes from a trusted Linux Distro and not from some hacker. To use gpg requires some setting up, so do this when you have your first proper Linux Distro up and running!!! . more»