Distros : Debian - Set up users

Debian unlike Puppy Linux is a proper multi-user distribution, and the first user to be set up is root which will have total control of the PC so good security practices starts here, make sure to read the info re passwords.

Click the Show Password in Clear box if you want to see the password as you type. Make sure nobody is looking over your shoulder :-( .

NOTE: a good password contains a mix of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, should not contain a real word and should be changed regularly.

The sudo command is the most secure way to give users some or all rights as root without knowing the root password. The root user adds users to a list of sudo users and can tweak how much rights that user has ie what he or she can mess with.

Only use the root account to make changes to the PC, for you normal stuff using the Desktop and Applications you need to create a separate account.

Use this account for your day to day stuff, only switching to user to admin the system.

Generally you enter the new users full name here, later on as root user or better still as sudo you can add new users using the adduser command.

user Name: first character has to be a lowercase letter.

The first name is suggested but you can change that, just remember all lowercase letters.

Good passwords again, you may not be root but a hacker, if they know your password, will use that to gain access and try to do harm.

Now for the users password, when you are set up use the passwd command to change your own password, you can't change other users but root can change everyone's password.

Now to set up the Hard Drive..