Distros : Debian - Install Software

Now to install the software, the next three screens set up how you..

Package Manager: Proxy Server.
Package Manager: Debian archive mirror country.

Ireland was on the list for past versions of Debian, my nearest now is the UK.

Package Manager: Debian archive mirror server.

Finally we get to the actual software selection and choice of Desktop. Xfce, LXDE and LXQt are good choices for an older machine, Mate and Cinnamon are good alternatives to Gnome.

KDE Plasma has plenty of Eye Candy and is highly configurable but if you have a decent 64bit PC and want to enjoy it at its best, install KDE Neon instead.

Package Manager: Software selection.

Click continue and the Debian will start downloading packages and install them. This process can take a few hours depending on the speed of the PC and internet connection, so put the kettle on, go for a walk, do some gardening etc. and come back later.

When all the software is set up you will see the screen below.

Installing the GRUB boot loader

The Installation is nearly complete, now to decide where to put GRUB, normally its on the first hard drive /dev/sda. Just three more Continues to go.

System clock: UTC or Local??

Almost finished, just leave as Yes two more Continues left.

Installation complete, time to reboot.

The last Continue!!! - Ready to Boot into Linux, make sure to remove the USB/DVD or else you will simply boot back into the Installer instead,

Grub will display a list of Operating Systems installed on the PC with Debian 10 selected, you can use the arrow keys to select a different OS then hit the Enter Key to boot from that instead.

Sticking with Debian, after a short time, (can't wait: hit the Enter Key), you will get to a log in screen, type in your username then Tab Key and then your password, then Enter and you have arrived. ENJOY.

Xfce Desktop, Right Click to get a cascading menu

What do you think, will you install Debian any time soon????

Is there anybody out there???

Brilliant:  Yes Debian is ROCK SOLID, deal with the King, not the Subjects

Good:  No, I will install Ubuntu instead, based on Debian but up to date!!

OK:  Maybe but Debian is as dull as dishwater

Rubbish:  No I am going to install Windows 11

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