In order to get stuff done there are two very important applications that you need ...
A Word Processor to Copy and Paste info you need from a web page, update that all important C.V., do that school/college project, etc.

And a Spreadsheet for calculation's, organise data, create company invoices, etc.

Lets make a start with a Word Processor using LibreOffice's Writer an application you install on your PC rather than a web based app such as Google Docs.
Most Linux distributions come with LibreOffice as their default Office Suite, there are versions available for Windows and Apple, go to the LibreOffice Web Site to download the version you need and join in the fun

Have you installed LibreOffice???, good, now click here for a crash course on using Writer, this article starts off with the basics but quickly works up to more advanced stuff, it's a bit like learning to swim by jumping in at the deep end, its OK, you will rise back up for air, what are you waiting for, JUMP.